Thanks for stealing my grandsons Christmas

*****UPDATE**** My faith in humanity is restored. My daughter and I both THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS** A huge thank you to Samantha McCall Bowers~~ Ann Marie Ferguson Uma Alexandra Beepat Robert T Pritchard Jr Laura Allie and Jimmy Carr~~ YOU SAVED HER CHRISTMAS FOR HER KIDS AND FOR HER MOM ~~~~THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS~~~
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I know Christmas is more than about presents....but explain that to a mom who worked her butt off til 4 in the morning and opening the next day for months just so her kids could have Christmas. I just want to cry and I want to scream. But neither will fix this for her..... We will make it a good one for her and the grands but....I can't fix how she feels about it. So exhausted she made a mistake...walked away for just a bit, and then has to face today at work knowing she cant fix it for him. Merry Christmas to the wonderful person that ruined Christmas for my family~
To those who have gone out of their way for us....please know that will be what we remember ~~Not the scum, but the good people~~~
Here is her post~~

Melissa 5 hrs · Just spent every dime I had on my sons Christmas went w gift cards bc I’m running on 6hrs of sleep in 5 days. And walk out of Walmart without the damn bag. Someone stole the stuff instead of turning it in. $150 worth of gift cards. In 10 mins. Gone. And the employees at Walmart are acting like it isn’t a big deal with one day left. So I get to go home and try to sleep for 2 hrs before getting up to go back to work on Christmas Eve. Knowing my sons Christmas is ruined. I’m pretty sure I’m at my breaking point.****